This Christmas... you can be a

Messenger of Hope

It’s as easy as mailing or passing along your free Christmas card with an attractive booklet inside.

A Christmas card. The card has red Christmas-themed berries on it, along with pine needles and leaves. The text on the card says An image of an envelope. An image of the front cover of the Finding the Hope booklet. The cover has three men riding on camels towards a small stable. A man and woman are in the stable beside a crib. The image is presented during sunset, with the characters in it like silhouettes. A bright star shines over the stable. Text over the image reads as follows:

Every day, thou­sands of Chris­tians around the world part­ner with the min­istry of Every Home for Christ to be gospel-seed-sow­ers. They are mes­sen­gers of hope.

You can be a part of this grow­ing network!

Order your FREE Christ­mas card set, which con­tains a rich­ly illus­trat­ed book­let with an easy-to-read gospel mes­sage that warm­ly invites the read­er to con­sid­er Jesus. Plus, you’ll get an attrac­tive Christ­mas card and enve­lope that makes it even eas­i­er to send this uplift­ing mes­sage of hope. You can also pass it along per­son­al­ly or leave the book­let some­where to be dis­cov­ered.

It’s so simple!

What’s in each Christmas card set

A Christmas card in front of an envelope. The card has red Christmas-themed berries on it, along with pine needles and leaves. The text on the card says

An attractive Christmas card with envelope that makes easy to send or pass along this uplifting message of hope

An image of the front cover of the Finding the Hope booklet. The cover has three men riding on camels towards a small stable. A man and woman are in the stable beside a crib. The image is presented during sunset, with the characters in it like silhouettes. A bright star shines over the stable. Text over the image reads as follows:

A richly illustrated booklet with an easy-to-read gospel message that warmly invites the reader to consider Jesus

This Christmas, be a Messenger of Hope!

Order 1 set

  • 1 booklet

  • 1 envelope

  • 1 Christmas card

Order 6 sets

  • 6 booklets
  • 6 envelopes

  • 6 Christmas cards

Order 12 sets

  • 12 booklets
  • 12 envelopes

  • 12 Christmas cards

Every Home for Christ International/Canada (EHC) is a charitable organization, duly registered with the Canada Revenue Agency. Our charitable registration number is 12979 7437 RR0001.

Gifts to EHC will be used as designated by the donor. If a project is oversubscribed, EHC will assign gifts where needed most. Charitable receipts for gifts of $10.00 or more are issued for income tax purposes.

<p>Canadian Centre for Christian Charities logo</p>