Let’s pray that God would bless Canada.

Request your free Prayer Map of Canada!

The Prayer Map of Canada is a simple tool designed to help you pray regularly for the 41 million people who live in Canada.

Get the free Prayer Map of Canada to help you journey in prayer day by day and month by month for our nation’s 41 million people.

This unique resource provides 60 prayer prompts to help you pray for our nation fervently, regularly, and with focus.

Canada needs prayer. May God act in grace and mercy as we pray.

To order additional maps, or to order maps for your church events, please contact us at +1-800-265-7326 or email us at ehc@ehc.ca.

Every Home for Christ International/Canada (EHC) is a charitable organization, duly registered with the Canada Revenue Agency. Our charitable registration number is 12979 7437 RR0001.

Gifts to EHC will be used as designated by the donor. If a project is oversubscribed, EHC will assign gifts where needed most. Charitable receipts for gifts of $10.00 or more are issued for income tax purposes.

<p>Canadian Centre for Christian Charities logo</p>