Finding the Hope Cards (24 per pack)

We are pleased to offer 1 pack of 24 assorted cards at no cost. A donation to Every Home for Christ will help continue the spread of the gospel.

Each rich­ly illus­trat­ed card pos­es a sim­ple ques­tion about hope and directs peo­ple to the Find­ing the Hope web­site where they can read the Find­ing the Hope book­let and oth­er mate­ri­als that explore the Chris­t­ian faith.

The Find­ing the Hope cards are the size of a busi­ness card, easy to car­ry and to offer to some­one very dis­creet­ly. They can also be left some­where to be discovered.

Avail­able in Eng­lish at no cost in packs of 24. French and oth­er ver­sions com­ing soon.