Give the Good News of salvation to 330 people

A man passes a woman EHC material in a foreign country.
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Every­one needs to hear about Jesus.

EHC lead­ers, teams and vol­un­teers serve in over 165 nations across all con­ti­nents. In many nations they face chal­lenges we can­not imag­ine. Still, they go faith­ful­ly and pro­vide peo­ple with a gospel mes­sage in print and oth­er media that can be read and pon­dered pri­vate­ly. They vis­it peo­ple home by home, car­ry out evan­ge­lis­tic events for all ages, pray with peo­ple, and often give away pro­vi­sions to those in need. Their faith­ful work pro­duces a har­vest, one per­son at a time.

Over the past year, more than 129 mil­lion homes around the world have been reached with a print­ed gospel mes­sage, plus tens of mil­lions more through dig­i­tal mes­sag­ing and spe­cial events.

Your one-time gift of $50 pro­vides gospel mes­sages to intro­duce Jesus to 330 people.

Your month­ly gift of $25 reach­es 2,000 peo­ple in one year.

We found this young woman liv­ing on the street with oth­er peo­ple con­sum­ing drugs. No one con­sid­ers them or treats them as peo­ple any­more. This young woman told us of her mis­ery due to her way of life. We shared the gospel with her, told her about Jesus and gave her food. She opened her heart to the Lord and intends to begin attend­ing the local church.