Help translate and provide the Finding the Hope Personal Kit

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EHC’s Mes­sen­gers of Hope are indi­vid­ual Chris­tians who part­ner with the Find­ing the Hope gospel mes­sag­ing out­reach as vol­un­teers. We pro­vide them with easy-to-use resources that they can pass along as they go about life to help oth­ers know about Jesus. 

This net­work of faith­ful seed-sow­ers is grow­ing. We resource hun­dreds of Mes­sen­gers of Hope across Cana­da who use the Find­ing the Hope Per­son­al Kit in cre­ative ways. 

The Find­ing the Hope Per­son­al Kit includes:

  • A sup­ply of Find­ing the Hope booklets
  • Cards direct­ing peo­ple to find​ingth​e​hope​.com
  • A plan­ner that guides indi­vid­u­als to pray, share the gospel, and fol­low up with their contacts
  • A guide for using the kit
  • An order form to request refills and addi­tion­al resources

Your gift helps trans­late and pro­vide the Find­ing the Hope Per­son­al Kit to hun­dreds of Mes­sen­gers of Hope across Canada.

Kim feels an urgency to help peo­ple know who Jesus is and gives out the Find­ing the Hope resources as he goes about life. He says: I like how the Find­ing the Hope book­let speaks of what life is like and how it shows peo­ple that Jesus meets our deep needs. The mes­sage and the images real­ly touch the heart.”