Help translate and provide the Finding the Hope Personal Kit

EHC’s Messengers of Hope are individual Christians who partner with the Finding the Hope gospel messaging outreach as volunteers. We provide them with easy-to-use resources that they can pass along as they go about life to help others know about Jesus.
This network of faithful seed-sowers is growing. We resource hundreds of Messengers of Hope across Canada who use the Finding the Hope Personal Kit in creative ways.
The Finding the Hope Personal Kit includes:
- A supply of Finding the Hope booklets
- Cards directing people to
- A planner that guides individuals to pray, share the gospel, and follow up with their contacts
- A guide for using the kit
- An order form to request refills and additional resources
Your gift helps translate and provide the Finding the Hope Personal Kit to hundreds of Messengers of Hope across Canada.
Kim feels an urgency to help people know who Jesus is and gives out the Finding the Hope resources as he goes about life. He says: “I like how the Finding the Hope booklet speaks of what life is like and how it shows people that Jesus meets our deep needs. The message and the images really touch the heart.”