Provide discipleship materials for new believers

A man preaches to a group of new believers in an outdoor church.
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Mak­ing Dis­ci­ples and Strength­en­ing NEW Believers 

Peo­ple who respond to the gospel mes­sage they receive need our help to grow in the knowl­edge of the Lord and in dis­ci­ple­ship. In recent years, EHC staff and vol­un­teers around the world have fol­lowed up tens of thou­sands of peo­ple dai­ly, help­ing them engage in Bible study, prayer, con­nect with oth­er believ­ers, and grow in their new-found faith. 


  • Pre­pare engag­ing lan­guage spe­cif­ic materials
  • Print and pro­vide dis­ci­ple­ship materials
  • Train dis­ci­ple-mak­ers
  • Devel­op cre­ative strate­gies that fit the context

After serv­ing a 12-year prison sen­tence, this devout Hin­du from a South Asian nation, said he had unsuc­cess­ful­ly tried to rid him­self of guilt through Hin­du prac­tices after hav­ing killed his broth­er. Through the gospel lit­er­a­ture he received he learned that Jesus died on the cross for his sins and found the free­dom that only Christ gives. Now he attends a Christ Group and tes­ti­fies to oth­ers of the love of Christ.