Help reach Canadians with the Gospel

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Finding the Hope is the gospel messaging outreach of Every Home for Christ in Canada. 

We provide resources and strategies to churches and individuals to help them reach others with the gospel. 

  • We equip churches for community outreach, and help them reach people with the gospel in their neighbourhoods and cities.
  • We equip individuals to become Messengers of Hope who use the Finding the Hope materials and strategies to share the gospel.
  • We use the internet and social media to reach a broad Canadian audience with the message of hope and salvation in Christ.

Everything we do is to make the gospel message present to people, where they live and where they go.

People are finding the hope across Canada.

An image of the contents of the packages that went out to Canadians from Every Home for Christ, including the booklet, the introduction letter, and more.

Your gift helps equip local congregations and individuals to deliver a gospel message to people where they live and where they go.

The Finding the Hope community outreach helps local churches connect with people in every home in their neighbourhoods. We mail the Finding the Hope evangelistic packet to homes and provide additional resources to help local Christians connect with people.

Finding the Hope outreaches are often the first contact from a local church for many individuals in the community. 

This year many thousands of homes across four provinces have received an evangelistic packet containing a Finding the Hope booklet, an introductory letter, a response coupon to request follow up, and an invitation from a local church to get in touch.

A church restart in Vegreville, AB: An every home outreach that included the evangelistic message and an invitation to the church’s ministries contributed notably to new people attending the opening Sunday of a church restart in September. The pastor expressed thanks to EHC for the support and for organizing all the materials that went out.

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<p>Harvest Partner cover</p>