Equip Messengers of Hope in Canada

Any Christian can be a Messenger of Hope. It’s so simple. Make Jesus a part of your conversations, pass along a Finding the Hope booklet or a Christmas card with the Finding the Hope booklet inside. Mail them to someone or leave them somewhere to be discovered!
Thousands of Finding the Hope messages are passed along to individuals by Messengers of Hope throughout the year. Many give away the booklet and others give the evangelistic packet containing a booklet.
This past year, gospel seeds were sown through careful one-to-one contact, by mail and neighbourhood distribution. Christmas cards with booklets were used in abundance as personal Christmas greetings. Other booklets were included in food and clothing distribution, supplied to funeral homes, used in business displays, placed in seniors’ homes, and sent to friends through social media reposting.
Gino and Tracey travelled from Eastern to Western Canada on their motorcycle and brought along Finding the Hope booklets. They wrote: “We use the booklets to spread the gospel message as we travel so that no matter where we are, we can give people the message that leads them to Christ.”