Equip Messengers of Hope in Canada

Two women drink coffee and chat together on a park bench.
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Any Chris­t­ian can be a Mes­sen­ger of Hope. It’s so sim­ple. Make Jesus a part of your con­ver­sa­tions, pass along a Find­ing the Hope book­let or a Christ­mas card with the Find­ing the Hope book­let inside. Mail them to some­one or leave them some­where to be discovered!

Thou­sands of Find­ing the Hope mes­sages are passed along to indi­vid­u­als by Mes­sen­gers of Hope through­out the year. Many give away the book­let and oth­ers give the evan­ge­lis­tic pack­et con­tain­ing a booklet.

This past year, gospel seeds were sown through care­ful one-to-one con­tact, by mail and neigh­bour­hood dis­tri­b­u­tion. Christ­mas cards with book­lets were used in abun­dance as per­son­al Christ­mas greet­ings. Oth­er book­lets were includ­ed in food and cloth­ing dis­tri­b­u­tion, sup­plied to funer­al homes, used in busi­ness dis­plays, placed in seniors’ homes, and sent to friends through social media reposting. 

Gino and Tracey trav­elled from East­ern to West­ern Cana­da on their motor­cy­cle and brought along Find­ing the Hope book­lets. They wrote: We use the book­lets to spread the gospel mes­sage as we trav­el so that no mat­ter where we are, we can give peo­ple the mes­sage that leads them to Christ.”